Thursday, January 15, 2009


Okay so life is a funny thing sometimes...but it is also a disappointment. These past couple of months (so of you more months) have probably noticed that I have been calling nonstop! We have had some issues and I have just needed to talk. So know that I appreciate all those that I call over and over and over again! I have decided that I need to try some new things and see if that helps this bend in my road become straight again. I hope it works too! I am going to focus at being a better cleaner a better cook and mother. I am going to work hard at trying to keep my house in order so that the stress in my and Trev's life may have peace here at home. So if you don't hear from me as much don't be worried...I am still alive and kicking. But as we all know I will most likely fail this new goal of be waiting. I give myself a week and nothing more!


DeAnn said...

It's okay to call - sometimes venting puts everything in perspective again or gets you thinking a different way. Maybe you just want to see if we'll call you first ..... oh, the pressure .... may fall apart.... pleeeeaaaase caaaalllll....... okay, whatever... just don't be miserable alone. I'm more than happy to be miserable with you.

jolene said...

My sweet new friend,
Don't give yourself a week to fail, rather, allow yourself a life time to succeed! Measure success in the smile on your babies faces and not in the "state" of your home. Be Happy Always!

Britainy said...

Hang in there! You do a good job, and your efforts don't go unnoticed. Know that we think of you and love you very much!! :)

Karine said...

Line upon Line Melanie... remember you still have little ones at home, who need your time and attention. That is more important than cleaning~! The house can always wait.
Maybe just goal for completing two things.... keeping the family room picked up and the dishes down. SOmething you know you can accomplish. Start small and in time, you will be able to add on more.
Hang in there ok :) Your doing just fine! We are all too hard on ourselves

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

Hey Melanie-
If you get an international calling card you can call me anytime! I'm glad we got to see you guys over Christmas! Nathan and I were very concerned when we read your email. I hope everything is okay. I always think everyone's life is perfect except mine. It's hard being a parent, let alone of 4 little ones and having a husband gone all the time, it's not easy. hang in there! email me sometime, it's a good way to get ahold of us! we love you!!

jen said...

Hi there Melanie, it's good to see you in the blogging world! Love the blog and don't give up on your goals, everyone slips now and again!


Synergy Girl said...

Hey there...! Hope you are doing better! I know I haven't been the most available person, but I do think of you often, so know that!