Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wow time does fly! Mason is now six months old. He is now 15 lbs 11 oz and 26 inches long! I can't believe how fast hes grown, although he does pig out when it comes to food. This picture of Mason was just a few days after he came home from the hospital. He was so tiny that I have a hard time remembering how small he was. I do miss it!...and I miss how much hair he had. Mason is now going bald and it is his fault! He now scoots to get places only he uses his head and has rubbed off his hair. Here is a shocker.....the hair that is starting to grow in is blond! So once again it seems that the red haired child has yet to come. Now I only need to convince Trev that we have a red head somewhere waiting for us in the spirit world! Mason is becoming very fun and his personality is slowly starting to appear more each day. He's definitely a mama's boy....for now that is. He is starting to play and he loves it when the girls are around, even when Alaina is sitting on him singing row row row your boat! (I think Alaina entertains him and I seem to think that she is his favorite toy for now) Hmm, I wonder what he will look like in another 6 months!


SouthfieldFam said...

I miss those little chicken legs! I forgot how small he was! You would never guess now that he was a preemie! Such a chubby little man now!

Karine said...

it is hard to believe how fast they have grown up since I have known you. SO CUTE! I love your kids. They are such beautiful children! :) You should try to get them in a magazine or something. Make them babies a poster child :)

Trina said...

Neicia had bright red hair too. It lasted until she was about 10 then started to really lighten. I miss it too. I agree with Karine. Your kids are adorable. Alaina walked into Sunday school with someone from nursery Sunday looking for you and as she was walking down the aisle she said aloud, "Mommy what you doing?" It was so cute. Everyone in that area had to chuckle.

Synergy Girl said...

Isn't it soooo depressing when they get to the point that you cant remember how small they were...SIGH. That's about the time we start wishing for another one...Will that feeling ever go away??