Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know that we did...we missed being with all our families but we still had a great Thanksgiving. This weekend has been an interesting one, due to Alaina and her more curious side! For the past little while she has been noticing that she does not like to be wet. She takes her diaper off all the time now and wants to sit on the potty, even if she has done her duty already. She does try and thats all that matters, and hopefully one of these times she will catch it and makes it to the potty before the diaper gets wet. Over the weekend we put her done for her nap (which she seems to think that she does not need any more) she did not go to sleep and was in the crib talking for about a half hour. I fianlly decide that the nap was not going to happen so I went in to get her out.....and came upon her with her diaper off...finger and bed all brown and messed up! Yup thats right, and if you haven't figured out what she was into use you imagination. She was ever so happy to see me...she was smilling and pointed at her bed and diaper and said "I went stinky mommy!" She was so happy and proud of herself. I on the other hand not so happy...I got to clean it up. She is a funny little girl and Trev and I just love to watch her during the day. (we more or less wonder what she is going ot do next) She has purpose behind everything she does. We, however, are not sure what the reasoning to playing in her diaper was. Monday I went and bought pull-ups to start potty training her (I was in no hurray but now...). I am not excited to be tied to my house but it has to be done. I do no want another crappy situation to arise! lol thats a good one!! Oh grrrreat!!! theres those Peterson geans shinning through! Love ya Dad! (might be a joke that only my family will get!)


Trina said...

You asked for it (just a couple blogs back) chaos and mayhem. Are you happy now? Lol. Glad that was you not me. Each time we see Kevin's aunt, she reminds him that she found him the same way. Yup even now, 40 years later it horrifies her.

DeAnn said...

Maybe she's just showing her creative, artistic side and she's environmentaly conscientious and frugal - using recyclable materials rather than purchasing harmful chemical paint products. You could probably sell her "paintings" on Ebay.

The Yearsley's said...

Ha Ha! That's awesome!!! Maybe not so much for you! So how's the potty training going so far? By the way, your kids pics turned out sooo dang cute!

Doug and Jami said...

I bet more than half the people you talk to will have a child who has done that. I can't remember which one of mine did that, I think it was Shannon but there it was, poop all over the bed, baby and wall. You're not alone.