Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hah! Thats funny!

So I know 2 posts in one day! 2 Posts within an hour or so! So I was bathing Mason, because he so proudly pooped up his back, and Alaina was helping me. We lathered him up well, to which I told her he was "soapy and sudsy!" The next thing I hear was her singing "Mason is soapy and sexy! Soapy and Sexy!" I stopped and looked at her and just laughed! Its funny how they hear and say things at this age! I know she was trying to say what I said but...she plainly was say "Soapy and Sexy"! I laughed and thought it might make you laugh so enjoy!

And as a side note, or update rather: Alania has now peed twice in the toilet! Yea!!!!! Cross your fingers that this will go fast for me! hehe.....

Missoula Childrens Theatre

This past Monday Madison was able to try out for the Missoula Childrens Theatreproduction of Pinocchio. It was supposed to be both Hailey and Madison, but when we got there we learned that this year they changed it so that you had to be in 1st grade or higher. I was ready for a bomb shell of tears and "why not me's?" and "I have had to watch Maddy do this 3 times!!?"to go off. It never did come, in fact she shrugged and okay and sat down......I was so proud of her! Not one complaint came from her (other than while we were waiting she was thirsty and a little bit hungrey!) I sat on pins and needles as I waited for the 2 hour audtions to get over with. I was a little bit too antsy by the end so I got up to look in and saw that she was not choosen..... :( I was watching her face to see what she would do. I sat back down and waited for her to come to me way dissappointed and crying. The doors opened and I waited for her to come.......... She never came so I got up and walked in the gym to find her eyes dry in line for the pre-show performance sign ups. I asked her how she was doing and she said "Umm I did not get a part so I am going to do the dance performance." She was fine! No water works! Nothing! I was amazed at this seeing as this morning she broke down into tears over not being able to find a sweater....(she is my more emotional sensitive one) Once again proud mom moment! I was so happy and proud that she did not take a poor attitude towards not getting in, instead she did the best thing which was be happy for those that made it in (4 of her friends made it) and was just happy that she would be able to do the dance. Although on the way home she did say that she was a little sad and would have cried had she been the only one out of all her friends that were there to not make it. (3 of her other friends did not make either). So for all those that would like to support her and see her dance .... her performances will be Friday at 7:30 and Saturday at 3:00 here in Caldwell. (You can call me for directions and prices!)

On a side note....

Mason now has his first tooth....possibly two but time will tell.... He woke up screaming in pain the other night and it took me 45 minutes to figure out that he was teething! So the "Umm Duh Hes teething" award goes to me! He is now also walking around stuff! He is getting so big...hard to think that he started out so small.

As for Alaina, we are going to focus on potty training starting today! Why so sudden you ask? She pooped in the tub this morning and that was the final straw that broke my back. I am happy to report that it has now bee just over 2 hours and she has stayed dry and pooped (we think) and peed inthe potty! Hmmmm I have a long day ahead of me...make that the next few weeks! Oh well it will be worth it in the end ... Right?!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Okay! I am good now!

It does feel nice and warm that you all love me! I will not lie and say that the last few weeks have been wonderful! They have been hard, but I am learning lots about myself. I am doing much better now, even if my house is still not perfect, or even if I still don't want to clean it.....Trev helped out the other day and that got me motivated to actually help out! After that it was like a drug! Each day I have done more and more and now my house is clean again.

On another note!.....Mason....(me tears up) is growing up fast, a little too fast for me! Hes crawling and now pulling himself up to stand! Its crazy how fast they grow up. He is no Madison, whom was walking at 8 mo, or Hailey whom was walking at 8 and a half months, and I don't think he'll be like Alaina walking at 9 months. I am hoping anyway, that way he stays my little sweet baby just a bit longer!

Speaking of Alaina.......she still is not potty trained, its amazing seeing as I am not doing anything. Its not liek she will just do it on her own, but I can still wish for that right! I guess the first step will be me actually getting her to wear underwear, which at this point screams if I even mention them. (its true ask Alexa...she has been on the phone with me when I have tried to get her to wear them)

Hailey is in preschool and doing very well! Thanks to Alexa, Hailey has now been going onto and is starting to pick up on reading. In fact she read her first book! Zac the Rat! I got a kick out of watching her expressions as she read. She was very proud of herself and I was too! Kindergaten will be good for her and like Maddy I am hoping that school will be easy for her.

Madison is so excited for this year. She will be turning 8 this year! She seems to have grown faster than Mason has! I can't believe it. I am so proud of her! She will be baptized the first saturday in September. A few weeks back we went to "Its Great To be Eight" meeting. She learned all about Activity Days and got to see where she will be baptized at. She is going to be good mommy some day, she loves to help out with Mason (although she refuses to learn to change a diaper), and is amazing good at keeping an eye on Alaina when I need to get work done. (And for all of you that don't know about Alaina......its a hard task to do! lol)

So I guess that sums up the last little while in my crazy life. I am doing better and will only continue to be better with time! Thanks for your comments!